3D Laser Scanning

Benefits of 3D Laser Scanning

Most 3D laser scanning projects have a shorter field schedule than traditional methods.
The scanning can take a few hours to a few days, depending on the size of the site,
compared to several weeks using more traditional methods.

Improved Planning and Design

3D models and point cloud data allow for workflows that traditional surveying methods are unable to provide. Precise imagery and highly accurate scan data can analyze clashes between existing conditions and proposed designs, which helps eliminate waste and detect early problems that may arise only after construction has already commenced.

3D Laser Scanning

3D Terrestrial / Static Scanning – Our Highest Accuracy 3D Scans
Mobile LiDAR – Safest Road and Railway Scanning Without Shutting Down Traffic
Mobile Mapping – Fastest As-Built Capture and Modeling Without Shutting Down the Location
UAV LiDAR Scanning – Commercial Grade Drones that Scan the Largest Areas in the Shortest Time

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